The Mentors Role

The Mentor role encompasses new member identification, recruitment, pre membership training , social integration ( usually at suppers on the last Friday of each month, emergencies excepted) , training and preparation of members moving into official positions and/or being promoted through the lodge ranks.

If you want to be  Freemason, contact me as the Lodge Mentor first.

If you want to introduce a friend as a prospective member, again just contact me

If you are an unattached Freemason, or one who is far from home, please contact me. 

We cover the wider aspects of freemasonry including the history, the mystery, the ritual and the ethics of the craft, with one evening each month reserved for Mentor-led discussions. Prospective members may attend some of these sessions, to ask the questions that they need answered.

Questions are always encouraged! We use a variety or media including internet, films, animations, lodge route-maps  desktop lodge working etc : as a “Learning Lodge “, we use a breadth of learning styles : e.g. auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic – in this way we hope to adapt to each Freemason’s learning style preferences. We also link to centralised learning resources such as the “Solomon” sites, and to United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex websites.

Mentoring Sessions are informal, typically from 7pm to 8:30pm and on Zoom during times of crisis. Whilst some teaching is always included, Members may discuss personal, business and theoretical topics with each other – my job is to act as a guide and to steer discussions towards their links to Freemasonry : if you would like to attend, even if you are not a Causeway member, please contact the Lodge Mentor at email